
On The Mat

Almost two years ago I walked into my first yoga class.

I was ready, for what I didn’t know for certain, but I was ready. The previous fifteen years of my life had been, well … not exactly what I would call ideal. After a severe injury (I fractured the 4th, 5th, and 6th vertebra in my neck) which resulted in two surgeries, I spent a year or so re-learning how to walk properly and gaining back most of my fine motor skills. Then a few years after that I developed Meniere’s Disease which has caused me to lose practically all the hearing in my left ear and, oh yeah, there’s those attacks of vertigo which last for hours.

Fun stuff.

I’m not complaining; I’m alive and that’s a wonderful thing. But between the rehab and trying to cope with staying vertical while doing my best to be a functioning part of society, I also managed to gain nearly 40 pounds.

Damn, I was a mess!

I don’t remember exactly why I decided on yoga but I do remember thinking it might help with my balance. Did I mention that I had lost about 25% of my ability to balance. I’m talking close my eyes and fall over, bouncing off door jambs every time I went through a doorway loss of balance. Of course there’s that extra poundage I was hauling around which I wouldn’t have minded getting shed of since I felt like shit, had no energy, and was going down fast.

Ok, so first class I’m thinking ‘How hard can it be?’ I mean, don’t they just bend over, maybe stick out an arm or leg or something? After the first fifteen minutes, I’m like ‘Holy Fuck!! This shit is hard!’ Here I am arms and legs trembling just to stay erect, nevermind raising one foot else I would fall flat on my face, and there’s these little skinny women not even breaking a sweat.

Well, I stuck it out and made it through class, and then I made it through another one, and another one, and another one. Then an amazing thing started to happen … no, it was still hard as hell…I started feeling better as in my attitude, my outlook. Things seemed brighter, cleaner, clearer. I realized I was starting to feel happy … for no apparent reason.

It was then that I started to discover that yoga is about more than poses and breathing and standing on one leg. Yoga is about discovering yourself. For me, it has been about getting back to the me I knew many, many years ago. Probably childhood. It was a revelation to find I had lost myself so long ago and either had not realized it had slipped away or had forgotten how I once was when I was younger. Probably both.

And yes I have benefitted physically from yoga as well. My weight is down from a high of 195 to around the 160 I’ve maintained for the better part of the past year and my balance is much better. I don’t ricochet off doorways as I pass through them.

But that’s not the best part of this continuing yoga journey. The best part is that what I learn on the mat stays with me whether I’m on the mat. Or off the mat.



Emptiness is just another word for darkness
and I can feel it on the back of my neck
I can taste it on the back of my tongue
bitter and sweet
Its texture rubs my mind raw in unseen places
And I fall into the black

Emptiness is just another word for darkness
and I have learned to live in the dark

© 2016 Stephen Boothe

Caffeine and Alcohol

Caffeine and Alcohol
makes for a very strange day.
A time to reflect on
where I am and where I been.
Or if I really want
to continue. Am I done?
I guess this feels ok.
Let’s see where we go from here.
Caffeine and Alcohol;
maybe I’ll do this again.

Creativity and the Deep Dark Whole

Creativity, that unmapped black hole from which pure thought springs, is so precious. Much like all of life, so unpredictable and so ethereal, it propels us, consumes us, and drives us to bring such unparalleled beauty and emotion to a life bound by order, repetition, and the mundane.

Long live creation

there lies salvation

Blue Sky

When you fall
and all you can see
is the blue sky.
And you wonder
became of the ground.
Then you know
the end
will always come around
cause everyone
always dreams
about the blue sky.



And in the end
the child was dead
as angels fell to dust.
to see the sun
as blood began to rust.
Take this thought
and hold it still
and I will dwell with thee
wanting not
for better things
for all you were resides in me.

I feel that prick
of memory
the foulest I’ve ever known.
A little spur,
a little rub,
for sins I now atone.
As I go back
to what I was
in sweeter times than these,
tasting rinds
of rotted fruit
that smell of death and sweet release.

I’ve found that painful
part of me
that hurtful poisoned well
and purge it from
its rotten core
of constant misery.
Striving for
a life of light
and everlasting bliss,
hold me now
forever girl
and give me one last kiss.



With memories as thin
as my grasp on life,
I struggle to recall
those things that made me.

Dimly glimpsed scenes from a past
broken into pieces
by neglect and deceit,
have left me to drift alone,

no connection , no return
to all I once knew.
I’ve lost the string
that leads back to me.

And the Music Plays On

lonely on a sunday morning
as the coffee stains my mind
with memories of cantalope rind
and my fathers steady hand

tasting bitter dregs
as they wash across my thoughts
carrying all ive lost
in all this time

someone save me please
has always been my cry
just once… before i die
and the music plays on

© 2016 Stephen Boothe


I have seen further than any man
should ever see.
A common thread, a common me.
Love has always been the thing that
keeps me in,
drives my world and makes me
just a little insane.
You know I thought I found the one..
you know..that one
and I would have been content
to live with all that I could see.
But really when it it comes down
to it,
there’s really no choice, is there?

I had a dream as I was watching
a favorite scene.
Only this was what would
eventually be.
I realized that I was not yet done.
No this was what would be.
There would come a beauty
into my life.
A place with light.
And it would show me
all I had ever wanted.
All I had needed.

How long do we go on?
How long do we wait?
For eternity? For love?
How long?
We wait forever.

© 2015 Stephen Boothe